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No Election, Klaus Schwab of WEF selects new Canadian Leader


Canada is no longer a democracy maybe it never was except on the surface.


New Masters are the Same as the Old Masters


Trump, RFKjr, Tulsi, Kash, Rubio and everyone else in Trumps 2025 team are tools of the same masters that have been fucking us over for decades. They are cutting pennies in your face so you think things are changing but they are stealing millions from us all and clamping more chains on us and getting the uneducated to cheer at it. Trumps masters are Bidens masters. This is a class war, they are mindfucking you into thinking otherwise.


Trump skin is looking dead liver yellow instead of spray tan orange


When he dies, Peter Thiel rules America through his lap monkey


RFK jr Continues to disappoint


He got tallow fries back in Steak n Shake. Great. Glyphosate is still in wheat flour. Fluoride still in the drinking water. FDA stooges still in place. Xylitol in chewing gum. Lead in the baby food. Also Steak n Shake did so voluntarily not because RFK jr did anything. This guy is doing nothing


Pam Bondi’s Epstein Files is a big Nothingburger


They did NOT release it all on day one. First they had to scrub it of their side and those willing to pay trump for silence. New master same as the old master.


Kash Patel Violates Journalists USA Rights


Kash Patels FBI has violated the first amendment rights of Max Blumenthal of the Greyzone by seizing and questioning him without a warrant as required by the 4th Amendment. New Master same as the old Master.


RFK jr Does Nothing


After waiting his whole life for just this opportunity then does nothing the first week. Wait. He fired a bunch of people at the bottom we would have needed to enforce new food and drug safety regulations. No New Regulations are coming. He was lying the entire time. The food will continue to be poison. Glyphosate in the flour. Xylitol in the chewing gum. Carrageenan in all dairy products. Lead in the baby food. PGPR in the chocolate. RFK jr does nothing.


Trump Cuts Medicaid by 10%


And SNAP by 20%. 2.8 trillion dollars is going to pay for tax cuts for billionaires. You have to spend a lot to impress a billionaire.


Pizzuoli Italy Volcanic Eruption Imminent


Magma induced land rise has been occurring at Pizzuoli for the past several years. Now the Puzzuoli and Naples area has been experiencing a massive earthquake storm. Fisherman are reporting fish cooking in the sea. Birds and other animals are fleeing to high ground. Sulfur and discoloration in the sea. Eruption is imminent. Flee the area immediately.


Bitcoin in danger by Blackrock 51% attack


Blackrock has obtained 51% of the bitcoin miner population of Bitcoin. This allows them to create sidechains that are trusted controlled solely by them. China releasing deepseek dropped the cost of gpu’s. This allows more bitcoin mining and hopefully will dilute blackrocks majority stake. Beware if you own bitcoin. In the long term, this attack will be increasingly more difficult to pull off.


Trump proves to the world he is Bibi’s lil bitchboy


Have you seen the video of Trump pushing in Bibi’s chair like he is Bibi’s valet? Ever see a sitting US president act like another world leaders servant? Did he cum in your mouth or shoot it on your face you fucking cuck.
YouTube video …… Yup


Trump says Gaza is the new vietnam


President Trump announced plans to send US troops to Gaza where the US taxpayers will fund a trillion dollar cleanup of the devastated battlefield. Also he will remove the indigenous Palestinians. The US did so well at this in Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan. Should work out fine. No cleanup or help for marina ca, so cal wildfires, East Palestine Ohio, Lahaina, Conyers ga, or the survivors of Helene in NC and Tennessee. Eat that big bag of dead donkey dicks, Americans.


Mexican embargo means food shortage


Tighten your belts fattys. USA is about to get real hungry.


John Harold Rogers arrested for treason for China


Senior Adviser to the Federal Reserve, John rogers has been indicted for treason against America spying for China. That is why the fed has been screwing the US economy.


Philly medivac 056 nose dives into the ground


Shortly after take-off medivac 056 lost tower contact and nose dived into the ground at full throttle as if by remote control. Are these Ukrainians demanding more funding? The patient was a child from Mexico.


5342 is a continuity of government op


The military has described PAT25 as a Blackhawk on a continuity of government training mission. Was a VIP on board? Because someone important was supposed to be. Someone who would rule the survivors. Someone already powerful now. That is what continuity of government means : no more elections. Just one continuous government made up of the same evil pedo cannibals that rule us today.


Flight 5342 coverup ongoing


The video and tracking data make it very clear. This could not have been an accident. The pilot of the Blackhawk clearly saw the plane lit up like a fucking Xmas tree right in front of him. 5342 filled his windshield on a clear night with no other plane within a mile. The heli veered exactly into the flight path. No accident. Who was on that plane?


Military helicopter takes out passenger plane in Washington DC


Reports indicate a military Blackhawk helicopter from Fort Belvoir with sign PAT25 flew into flight 5342 with 60 on board. This is a priority air transport call sign yet the military says a training mission. Reports are the heli moved straight into the plane like a missile after being warned twice by air traffic control. Figure skaters on the plane. Maybe someone importants father needed a lesson.


Erik Prince and his merc army are ready to sweep in and take over from “crazy trump”


This Pete Thiel psy-op is loaded up. They really want to pull the trigger on this one. It is the hand made baby of someone at the top. Probably someone’s shitty kid. Frank Herbert’s Dune has Beast Raban reducing Arrakis through poverty and violence then Pretty Boy Feyd steps in and the people will love him even though he is evil and cruel because at least he’s better than the beast. Saying this because it is relevant.


Trump starts multiple trade wars


USA just gave Taiwan chip makers billions in handouts then trade embargoes them? Mexico Canada and Denmark are now enemies of the US. No more steel. Someone isnt paying attention. BRICS means no one cares about US sanctions anymore. He’s just sanctioning the US.


Angry Trump Berates EU Leaders over Greenland


EU leaders were shocked at the angry shouting tirade Trump performed for them on a call over Greenland. Yes, fucking Greenland. What the fuck is all this shit over Greenland right? Denmark agreed immediately to give the US all they want for military or economic reasons and were refused. If USA can not win in Ukraine or Gaza or Syria then I guess the next step is to take on Europe. One thing is for sure bombs most fall so pockets can fill.


Greenland purchase and cali fires connected?


This is weird, it is out there, a few years ago would have sounded nuts. But what if this wildassed Greenland purchase thing was about weather modification tech? Let’s say a Soviet style fascist military state put all its military budget into tech that can only screw its own citizens. Now this state is trying to scare its powerful neighbors off by burning and freezing its own citizens and saying we can do this to you. But they cant since the arrays needed to do the deed do not reach far enough. So they burn cali hoping it spreads south since that is the only state they can touch. Buying Greenland may place arrays closer to the real enemy but probably not close enough.


Whitney Webb uncovers security state stooges


In an absolutely Machiavellian strike of pure genius and subtlety, Whitney Webb has uncovered a host of media personalities that you may have thought were NOT owned by the security state. You can tell the side that is correct because the wrong side is not disputing her facts. Not a direct line between the facts is the phrase they are told to repeat. Note who is parroting this line this this time, they are compromised.


Schwarzenegger donates to rich friends over fires


Yet another strange parallel to Lahaina. You have billionaire Arnold giving money like Oprah and Dwayne the rock. In Lahaina none of Oprah’s money made it down to the poor people. It did redirect help away from regular people and will probably be used to pay for the rich to rebuild. Weird he did not feel the need to help Lahaina, East Palestine Ohio or Conyers ga. Or any of the million working homeless around the corner from his home.


Bill Gates and Trump meet to discuss Covid 2.0 in 2025


Gates met with trump on 1-20 and then Trump fired his staff that was covid truthful. He only backed out of WHO to switch all that money and power to Gates. Another fascist pandemic response is coming for the US.


Trump says US troops in Ukraine


He said this in 11-24. They will be sent to “keep the peace”


New US President nothing will change


The same masters hold the leash. More money for Israel, more war, no help for East Palestine Ohio, no help for Lahaina, no help for Conyers ga, and no help for the victims of Helene. Maybe some for the rich in Callie, but nothing for the poor. Eat that shit sandwich you cucks. Apocalypse is nigh. Maybe nuclear maybe viral. Maybe just economic but whatever it is, it is planned and executed by the pedo cannibals that rule the USA.


Trump ceasefire is a sham


They are jazz-handing you in the face while balling up their other fist. Israel needed a ceasefire in Gaza due to getting their ass kicked everywhere. Now they want to secure Syria and need to extricate from the Gaza holocaust to free up those resources. Keep in mind this is a temporary ceasefire that gives Israel a bunch of freebies. Then when outrage over dead baby Palestinians has died down, Trump will pile on the arms and money to zionists and Israel will break the ceasefire.


Tulsi was always a creature of the security state


It is treason to run for any legislature while actively serving in the military or any security service. Tulsi was always military intelligence running an op on US citizens. First they used her for controlled opposition, then turned her out for Biden. Now they are trying to rebrand her to her old brand but you are the fool if you can not see their game at this point. More wars. No help for East Palestine Ohio, Lahaina, or Conyers Ga, or the Helene survivors, nor the fires about to take out the last of the middle class in America.


Fires in South California


Troubling parallels with Lahaina. No water. Strange winds. Police keeping people in danger areas with roadblocks and slowdowns. Electrical lines energized inexplicably. Aluminum melting? Electrical lines in fire from embers with dry palms untouched? Insurance companies just canceled fire insurance on the poor rich. Someone’s got to pay for it all and it aint going to be the rich rich.


Trump fixing the Greenland problem


Trump is not going to fix East Palestine Ohio, not fixing Lahaina Hawaii, not going to fix Conyers Georgia. No more money for trains, ports, bridges or other infrastructure. But he is on that Greenland thing no one has ever wanted or cared about.


Canadian leader Trudeau fired for incompetence


Justin Trudeau, son of Castro, bitch-boy of Karl Schwab and the Evil World Economic Forum, announced he has been fired for gross incompetence. When they find a replacement. Someday. Definitely going to be another WEF bitch-boy replacing him.


JeJu 2216 was murder


This plane was taken over by remote pilot during its first attempt to land. Sent back into the air, faked bird strike, then sent with throttle and tailwind, backwards on the runway specifically to hit the concrete bunker. Also halfway down the runway, wheels up and nose up to get enough speed to ensure the target is killed. Look at the manifest, on it will be someone obvious.


California helps the homeless


24 billion dollars California has spent on homelessness. They use this money to build expensive condo’s on the taxpayers dime. The homeless get to watch.


US Terrorists poison Assad in Russia for some reason


2 US funded terrorists allegedly tried to murder ExSyrian Warlord Assad with poison and failed. But why? This guy is worthless now. It is just fucking stupid.


Jabbar patsy too?


The New Orleans truck murderer was radicalized just recently after serving in the military and being discharged honorably? Fort Bragg, the psi-ops base? The ballards that normally protect the French quarter were down? And during an important event?


Cybertruck Livelsburger standard patsy


Vegas and New Orleans terror suspects are from the same base. Wouldn’t it be funny if a black ops team specializing in creating false flags was stationed there? Probably not though right? Livelsburger had a newborn and was a green beret. Most likely he was a whistleblower and was already dead when the cybertruck pulled in.


Cybertruck Green Beret is an amateur with explosives?


I am not privy to tier 1 operator training but I’m pretty sure a green beret with 20 years of training would be able to rig a better bomb than tossing fireworks and camping fuel into the trunk of a smart car. And why bother with the gunshot? Patsy from the word go.


Jabbar and Livelsburger false flag alert!


Two GIs from the same base deploy on the same day using the same tactics (turo) and the FBI can not find any connection. One was a green beret, he could only manage an angry preteen level of explosive device? The other guy was not special forces but rigged up a complex and unknown number of explosive devices somehow. Then decided not to use them. Just like Tomas crook jr.


Tesla truck set on fire as govt black op at trump tower


The guy that did it is active US military. The New Orleans crowd murderer was US military. Welcome to Soviet America. Big Brother insists you will like it.


Jihadist runs truck into crowd with guns and explosives in New Orleans


10 killed at least 35 injured. Ex US military Islamic fundamentalist did the deed. Once again a terrorist built a bunch of bombs then decided to not set them off. FBI is investigating so. Yeah. There is that. Even with full earth 3D video they will somehow fuck up the investigation. were any agents involved? Seems like their kind of op.


PGPR is poison and is in your chocolate


In an effort to boost already obscene profit, Nestle and hersheys and most other chocolate have removed some of the food in chocolate and replaced it with industrial emulsifier that destroys the lining of your intestine and loads of colitis and anal leakage. Yes that is right the rich bastards that rule over us have ruined chocolate. No, worse, they have poisoned chocolate.


Chewing gum is poison now too


Nothing you eat is safe anymore, but you can still chew gum right? No. The rich bastards that rule over us have poisoned that too. Xylitol has replaced sugar in most chewing gum. You may remember xylitol from the 90s when it was hurriedly pulled off the market days after being introduced due to anal leakage, explosive diarrhea, painful and bloody constipation, colitis, pain and cancer. Other than that it perfectly fine though.


Russian shadow oil fleet getting taken out by US Navy


Russia has been selling oil to the west using oil tankers with no transponders. Since the US is losing on the ground and in the air in Ukraine, they have decided to attack oil tankers that do not shoot back.


Ukrainian rout speeds up


Russia claims over 100 targets were destroyed in a massive missile and drone attack including massed infantry formations and air defense systems. Russians make daily gains of territory and never seem to overrun their supply lines.


Friendly fire incident of F-18 a lie


A US F-18 from the USS Harry Truman was shot down by Houthis. The same houthis that beat the US navy previously. For some reason the US did not want to admit this so through some seamen under the bus claiming friendly fire. Nice.


Corps poison Xmas chocolate


Corporations in the interest of increasing profits have removed some digestible ingredients from their chocolate in favor of industrial by-product emulsifiers. This is one reason your cookies are shit this year. They are putting this in other baking ingredients including flour which was already poisoned with glyphosate. Merry Xmas sucker. Still money for Israel and Ukraine. Still nothing for Lahaina, conyers ga or East Palestine ohio.


MH370 lies incoming from the deep state


When the media is saying how difficult it is to fake, they are bragging about cleverly they faked it. MH370 was full of Chinese chip manufacturing scientists. It was brought down to stop them from defecting to china. Maybe to their deaths maybe kidnapped by the security state. Not by ufo aliens blue whizzing lights.


Teamsters strike on Amazon


Workers are taking back the power.


How many missiles does the US have left?


What if it has all been a ploy to get the US and NATO to expend all their ordnance? All those bombs in Gaza and Ukraine are not being made there.




Does Obama Have a Freak Off Tape?


He's been to the party's for sure. Obama takes Biden off the ticket Personally! Called President Biden and said "Joe you are gone". Then within months, Diddy is arrested. Maybe bigdaddy ain't got diddy's back no more, and Obama has a green light. Either way, Diddy's downfall is about a power switch among the elite.


Egg price gouging is real


If the reason for $8 eggs in the US is bird flu, why are Mexican eggs still cheap? Does bird flu magically stop at the border crossing? If it wasn’t fraudulent traitorous price gauging then why is it illegal to bring in cheap eggs from magically-bird-flu-resistant Mexico? Every bell pepper I’ve ever bought came from Mexico. But no, the eggs there are somehow dangerous. Dangerous for corporation profit is what they mean.


Imminent economic collapse in US


The oligarchs have picked their date for the next economic depression. I am not privy to the exact date and time but within a month or two seems about right. Stocks, bonds and most everything else are shit, Bitcoin explodes in value. USD worthless. Real estate taxes are going up cause the rich-rich ain’t paying for anything and only the poor-rich pay real estate taxes.


NATO will collapse this winter


Russia is riding high on its fantastic success in Ukraine. Eating up billions from the US that could be fixing things at home. The ruble is more valuable than it has ever been. The US keeps raising the value of hydrocarbons through terrorist acts, which helps Russia more than any other country. Winter cold with no fuel will break Germany leading to a new government that pulls out of NATO followed by everyone else that doesn’t want WW3. Russia is pulling out of the Donbatz region so Ukraine has to feed and warm the people there all winter instead.


USA has all the oil it needs, why are we buying it?


There was a strike of light sweet crude, the best grade of oil (better than Saudi Arabia), in the Permian Basin in Texas years ago. This strike gives the USA more oil than any other country and its the best quality oil not the crap oil that is the product of fracking. More oil was produced in the US in 2020 than we used. So why are gas prices so high? The oil corps are selling it on the market and buying worse graded oil for us to use. Just for more profit. We could have fifty cent per gallon gas just like Iran or Venezuela and big oil would still make an obscene profit. Instead they have decided to screw America over for just a little bit more. While our lawmakers do nothing but fill their pockets as well.


the adventures of Koncentration Kamp Kamala and Joe World-War-3


The end times are nigh. Nightmare horror monkeys elected Joe World-War-3 president of the most powerful army in the world. His successor, Koncentration Kamp Kamala will take over when Alzheimer's finally takes him, and the Reich is Back! Slavery for everyone! 2+2=5!


Social media


Where people yell racist insults at each other and feel good that their brand of racism is the goodthink kind of racism. At this point I believe 90% of the posters on social media are children, bots, corporate stooges, and influencers, that is, people paid to post there.


US Senate Posts a Win


With the complete incompetence of our lawmakers and indeed every elected official on display daily, we can all now breath a quiet sigh of relief that they have finally got their shit together. they have managed to sign a law into effect that does nothing concerning daylight savings time. Still have it. Nothings changed. Never mind the imminent nuclear conflict no one in America wants, never mind the crashing economy, never mind the exploding levels of violent crime and gang activity. Go after that pesky DST and do nothing about it, but do nothing about it definitively... like a boss.


FCC Will Not Control Us


Friends you can be assured that World Wide News of the World will never allow the US government, or any other fascist organization to edit or control our content. We here at WWNotW believe the free press is the unalienable right of all men.


Chicago Police Chief Throws Blame For Skyrocketing Murder Rates


Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy appeared on a local talk show and blamed special interests and lobby groups for the skyrocketing violence on Chicago city streets. He has previously blamed Sarah Palin, and "Government sponsored racism". The actual cause is a corrupt and lackluster police presence and an ongoing gang war over territory. But blaming others is easier than making hard changes to enforce the laws already on the books.


Crazy Woman Pushes Man Into Subway Train


For the second time in a month, some crazy person has killed an innocent victim by pushing them in front of a subway train in New York. Why aren't we all calling for an end to the subway train death machine! Ban all subways!


Petraeus Finally Fired


The CIA Director holds prisoners in a high security facility in Benghazi, long after a government mandate that the CIA is not to hold foreign nationals prisoner. He then shuts down the security of the facility before removing all the prisoners. Then, he doesn't move in support to protect them when they are attacked by elements of Al Qaeda resulting in the death of an ambassador. Then he lies to the American people and Congress about why the attack happened. Not Fired. Gets caught in an affair. Fired.
