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1500 Maui Children are Dead


The official number of 115 dead in Maui is a lie. There are thousands of others "missing" including children. Locals have blown the whistle on thousands of bodybags being seen on the island and a media blackout is keeping it all a secret. The guy that turned the water off and stopped the warning sirens has been given an even cushier job elsewhere in Hawaii, and what about that TopCop police chief that did the Vegas Shooting coverup and then sent officers in Maui during the fire to keep the helpless in danger? Just hanging out smoking a cigar in victory I guess.


BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street are Chinese Owned and Controlled


BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street are the three holding companies that own Disney, the movie industry, mainstream media, all defense contractors and most of the western European governments. They are completely funded by Red China and are subverting western ideals, replacing them with entitlement and the philosophy of identity to destablilize and destroy the west. And it's working.


PCR Test Doesn't Work


"Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough...with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in doesn't tell you that you're sick." Dr. Kory Mullis, creator of the PCR test.


WHO Says Covid Vaccine Causes MS


The World Health Organization has admitted that the covid vaccine can cause, and has caused multiple sclerosis.


Earths Protective Magnetoshpere is Dying


Remember that incident at the solar observatory years ago where they shut down a town and it turned out was just some janitor looking at child porn? Turns out it wasn't. They discovered the Earths magnetosphere that protects all life from the cosmic radiation of the sun, is dying due to the Earth's cores rotation stopping. The magnetosphere will weaken over the next 1000 years, causing more radiation to hit the earth increasing temperatures, thinning the atmosphere which makes the climate drier increasing wildfires and cancer rates. Also the aurora borealis will be seen increasingly closer to the equator. Eventually all life on Earth will be burned away like Mars.


Maui Police Chief Also Responsible for the Vegas Shooting Massacre


The Maui Chief of Police was brand new at his job when he ordered barricades put up to citizens fleeing the fire. His previous job was being in charge of the police response during the Las Vegas Shooting Massacre.


Maui Official Explains Why He Refused To Use the Sirens


The Maui Official in charge of the failed emergency response during the fire, explained why he did not sound the fire. He said those sirens are mainly for tsunamis and not fires.


Maui Police Seized Aid


Local citizens tried to help their fellow residents with their own boats and buying water and supplies themselves, but police seized it all. What is going on in Maui?


Maui Fire Conspiracy Deepens


Local Maui government officials refused to allow water to be used to fight the fire until it was too late. At the same time, the Maui Chief of Police ordered people barricaded in to the fire endangered areas.


East Palestine Ohio and Maui Hawaii Suffer While the US government Sends Money to Ukraine


More billions of free money goes to the corrupt officials in Ukraine instead of helping the Americans suffering in Maui and East Palestine Ohio. BlackRock and Vanguard are moving in to Maui to buy up real estate formerly in the hands of native Hawaiians.


Pfizer Says Covid19 Vaccines Spread by Shedding


Pfizer has admitted that the mRNA encased in lipid nanoparticles can spread to the unvaccinated due to sexual contact, kissing and even close touch contact due to shedding of the nanoparticles.


FDA Admits Ivermectin Treats Covid19


The FDA in a stunning reversal has admitted that Ivermectin is a treatment for Covid19. It was previously not allowed to be used for Covid19 so big pharma could get the emergency edict it required for its novel mRNA treatment.


So How Do We Know It's The Vaccine?


You know it's the vaccine when no one can talk about it. No press can publish it. Video websites censor all mention of it. When no science is getting done on it. When researching into it is not allowed. Then you know, it's the vaccine.


Covid19 Vaccine Death Causes


15 million and counting dead, dying from heart attacks, strokes, sudden onset stage 4 cancer, autoimmune diseases, liver damage, kidney damage, spleen damage, ovaries, bone marrow, nervous system, the brain(dementia).


Glysophate is Causing Kidney Stones in Children


There is a rash of young children getting kidney stones inexplicably. It's glysophate from wheat and other grains in the food supply.


Remember When the Covid Vaccine Required Special Temperature Controls?


First there was a massive issue because the covid vaccine needed to be chilled more than normal. Than the first batch of VAERS data and suddenly they were like, eh don't worry about it. Spoiled batches saved lives, but even one of those lipid nanos gets in there and it could pump out toxic spike proteins forever.


Lipid Nanoparticles Are Deadly


Lipid nanoparticles are little balls of fat of varying sizes and in the covid-19 vaccine, pump out spike protein. No one knows for how long they express these proteins, maybe forever. Spike protein destroy the cells it touches, so where a lipid nanoparticle lands, it will tunnel out cells around it, like brain cells, liver cells, spleen cells, ovaries, bone marrow, nervous system, etc. It is known that lipid nanoparticles and spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier, but covid19 cells do not.


Deadly Maui Fires Started by Billionaires


Thousands of native Hawaiian inhabitants of Maui were holdouts to a number of billionaires who want to turn the island into their own playground. Now, those native Hawaiians will have their homes taken away. Once their lives have been stolen away, check who benefits, that's who did it.




Egg price gouging is real


If the reason for $8 eggs in the US is bird flu, why are Mexican eggs still cheap? Does bird flu magically stop at the border crossing? If it wasn’t fraudulent traitorous price gauging then why is it illegal to bring in cheap eggs from magically-bird-flu-resistant Mexico? Every bell pepper I’ve ever bought came from Mexico. But no, the eggs there are somehow dangerous. Dangerous for corporation profit is what they mean.


Imminent economic collapse in US


The oligarchs have picked their date for the next economic depression. I am not privy to the exact date and time but within a month or two seems about right. Stocks, bonds and most everything else are shit, Bitcoin explodes in value. USD worthless. Real estate taxes are going up cause the rich-rich ain’t paying for anything and only the poor-rich pay real estate taxes.


NATO will collapse this winter


Russia is riding high on its fantastic success in Ukraine. Eating up billions from the US that could be fixing things at home. The ruble is more valuable than it has ever been. The US keeps raising the value of hydrocarbons through terrorist acts, which helps Russia more than any other country. Winter cold with no fuel will break Germany leading to a new government that pulls out of NATO followed by everyone else that doesn’t want WW3. Russia is pulling out of the Donbatz region so Ukraine has to feed and warm the people there all winter instead.


USA has all the oil it needs, why are we buying it?


There was a strike of light sweet crude, the best grade of oil (better than Saudi Arabia), in the Permian Basin in Texas years ago. This strike gives the USA more oil than any other country and its the best quality oil not the crap oil that is the product of fracking. More oil was produced in the US in 2020 than we used. So why are gas prices so high? The oil corps are selling it on the market and buying worse graded oil for us to use. Just for more profit. We could have fifty cent per gallon gas just like Iran or Venezuela and big oil would still make an obscene profit. Instead they have decided to screw America over for just a little bit more. While our lawmakers do nothing but fill their pockets as well.


the adventures of Koncentration Kamp Kamala and Joe World-War-3


The end times are nigh. Nightmare horror monkeys elected Joe World-War-3 president of the most powerful army in the world. His successor, Koncentration Kamp Kamala will take over when Alzheimer's finally takes him, and the Reich is Back! Slavery for everyone! 2+2=5!


Social media


Where people yell racist insults at each other and feel good that their brand of racism is the goodthink kind of racism. At this point I believe 90% of the posters on social media are children, bots, corporate stooges, and influencers, that is, people paid to post there.


US Senate Posts a Win


With the complete incompetence of our lawmakers and indeed every elected official on display daily, we can all now breath a quiet sigh of relief that they have finally got their shit together. they have managed to sign a law into effect that does nothing concerning daylight savings time. Still have it. Nothings changed. Never mind the imminent nuclear conflict no one in America wants, never mind the crashing economy, never mind the exploding levels of violent crime and gang activity. Go after that pesky DST and do nothing about it, but do nothing about it definitively... like a boss.


FCC Will Not Control Us


Friends you can be assured that World Wide News of the World will never allow the US government, or any other fascist organization to edit or control our content. We here at WWNotW believe the free press is the unalienable right of all men.


Chicago Police Chief Throws Blame For Skyrocketing Murder Rates


Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy appeared on a local talk show and blamed special interests and lobby groups for the skyrocketing violence on Chicago city streets. He has previously blamed Sarah Palin, and "Government sponsored racism". The actual cause is a corrupt and lackluster police presence and an ongoing gang war over territory. But blaming others is easier than making hard changes to enforce the laws already on the books.


Crazy Woman Pushes Man Into Subway Train


For the second time in a month, some crazy person has killed an innocent victim by pushing them in front of a subway train in New York. Why aren't we all calling for an end to the subway train death machine! Ban all subways!


Petraeus Finally Fired


The CIA Director holds prisoners in a high security facility in Benghazi, long after a government mandate that the CIA is not to hold foreign nationals prisoner. He then shuts down the security of the facility before removing all the prisoners. Then, he doesn't move in support to protect them when they are attacked by elements of Al Qaeda resulting in the death of an ambassador. Then he lies to the American people and Congress about why the attack happened. Not Fired. Gets caught in an affair. Fired.


Houston Cop Shoots Wheelchair Bound Double Amputee


Matthew Jacob Marin, a Houston Police officer shot and killed a one-armed, one-legged man in a wheelchair after his fellow police officer was "cornered" by the wheelchair bound double amputee. Two cops, and a man with one arm and one leg, and they can't restrain him? And what deadly weapon was the one-armed man threatening them with? A pen. Marin killed another man allegedly in the line of duty in 2009, although this man was thought to have both his arms.
